Education Beyond Borders




  • Use technology successfully and productively
  • Communicate and collaborate
  • Demonstrate creativity and innovation
  • Conduct research and use information
  • Communicate and collaborate
  • Support, promote, and create models that encourage innovative thinking and ingenuity.
  • Encourage students in exploring real world issues and solving genuine problems.
  • Use existing knowledge to create new ideas, products and processes.
  • Produce original works as a result of individual and group effort.
  • Collaborate and work together with peers, experts, and others to utilize a variety of digital environments and media.
  • Acquire a high level of proficiency using the NING sites to plan group strategies and methods of investigation. 
  • Put into practice the safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology
  • Express personal accountability for lifelong learning.
  • Demonstrate

My project is called FACE IT-TRACE IT-ERASE IT. In this project students get to pick from a list of 15 of the most important issues facing the world today. These issues were selected from the United Nations, Relief International, and several other NGO's. 

   Once the students have selected their topic they will be grouped with four other students from around the world that have selected that topic. These students will begin to contact each other using the NING sites or whatever sites they prefer, and they will choose the roles for each team members. I have a list of the roles.

FACE IT: Once the teams are created and the roles are determined, each member from each group will write a paragraph describing and defining their Issue. The team’s members will share their paragraphs with each member. The team will make corrections on the paragraphs, and then submit 5 paragraphs to the project coordinator (me for now). The project coordinator will present a grade to the team. Each of the three phases of this project will be graded with the same weight. The final grade will be an average of all three phases.

TRACE IT: In phase 2 of this project the team will begin its research into the issue (topic). The team will present one research project representing the work of all members. The team leader will make sure that all members are participating. The project must be pre-approved by the project coordinator. It can be any multi-media presentation as long as it utilizes technology. The team Checker will make sure that everyone is working on the project and sending in their work. Teams will gather data on their issue using Microsoft or Open Office files. Graphs, charts, statistics will be required to give evidence that all team members have achieved a proficient level of understanding of their issue. They will do this by using any technologies available to gather supportive data. When done, the team will present the project to the coordinator for a grade.

ERASE IT: The final phase of the project can be a video presentation done by each member of the group. Erase it means that the group needs to collectively create a video presentation or a product of their choosing to discuss a solution to the Issue the group has been working on. If a member of the group does not have access to digital video equipment that member must give their information to the team leader who will assign a member to speak for them. The team will pass the video files to each other over the Internet. The team Presenter will compile the video clips into a single, 10 minute video that will be made available on If a video is not possible the individual, or the group, can present a solution in any appropriate manner. Our project offers a vast array of products that are acceptable.

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