Education Beyond Borders

African Kids In Need recently started a pilot program called AKIN Learning Center. The object of the program is to provide an opportunity for Class 8 students who either recently took the KCPE exams and did poorly or are preparing to take the exams in November to receive remedial instruction. Our goal is see these youngsters improve their performance on the national exams and qualify for better secondary schools.
We are paying two full time teachers and there are ten students in our Center. The children also live  at the Center and receive food, clothing and experiences that are not normally available to them. I was very surprised at how difficult it was to find the teachers who were interested in working for us. The pay offered is equal to that of other teachers in Kenya, but there were not many qualified applicants.
I am looking to interview a male teacher for placement at the Center in August. Can anyone suggest a resource for qualified teachers?
Paul Miller

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teachers are plenty in a head teacher i receive regular application f rom qualified teachers and i can direct them to your center.then if you get a good number you can interview them to get the best. i can assist you on this
Hi Paul -
I had a huge volume of responses when I posted on some of the popular Kenya job blog sites - or are the ones I remember. It's far past August by now though, so I hope you succeeded!
Where is your centre? Sounds like a great program!

i have always longed to work with you in your project



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