Education Beyond Borders

Hello everyone - for those who don't know, I was with the 2009 team in Kenya. At the time (hi folks who were there with me) I was 'out of the classroom', and had been for some time.

I am pleased to tell you that one of the many outcomes of my time in Kenya with TWB (and Noble) was a desire to return to the classroom to refine and improve my skills - to challenge myself to be better.

So, this fall sees me in the classroom again - 75% Special Education (high school) and 25% Science (high school - grade 7). I am pleased to share that I have set as a personal goal to really focus on co-operative learning, technology, PLCs, and alternative ways of assessment.

So far, I'm implementing a Wiki with my grade 7's, I've tried out some of the lesson ideas from Alison (thanks Alison - they are exciting!), and I am leading colleagues down the road to change!.

What else has changed? Well, let's see - I've pushed PLCs, alternate assessments, the potential of e-readers, interactivity, UDL (big time), ... how long is the list.

I've given many presentations on Kenya, on sharing our skills with others, and I have seen colleagues get involved in things as a result.

So, not sure how much change I helped to create in Kenya, but I can tell you Kenya has lead to a change (rebirth, re-invigorating, a stimulation of my creative self, what-ever) in me.

Once I feel that I can speak from experience, I'll be looking to join you all again!

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This is great news, Steve! And a testament to the power of global (and local) collaboration.



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