This year’s Laikipia project met EBB’s main Stage 3 goals of transferring responsibility in designing and carrying out professional development activities to local facilitators. Facilitators reported feeling very confident and proud of their facilitation work and attending teachers reporting that they were very much looking forward to trying out learner-centered teaching methodologies in their classrooms in September and sharing the new ideas with their school colleagues. The project also exceeded expectations with regards to setting up concrete Professional Learning Clusters (PLC) structures and plans for future progress – beyond simple local plans, the Kenyan facilitators created a district-level structure that would support local PLCs and liaise more efficiently with local Education Offices and international EBB representatives.
EBB leaves Laikipia this year with a concrete PLC support structure in place, thirteen experienced facilitators available to put on workshops (or otherwise support their peers), and 61 more teachers newly trained in designing and delivering learner-centered teaching lessons in their classrooms. Newly formed relationships with the Laikipia Central DEO (District Education Office) help provide credibility as well as future potential for district level sponsorship of future projects.
A huge THANK YOU to our team who volunteered for the 2011 project:
Maureen Hillman
Katharine Kan (lead)
Judy McBride
Aarthi Naidu
Beverlee Ritchie
Bill Upward (lead)
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