Here are some of the reflections from
the team members that worked on the TWB-Canada projects during the
summer or 2008:
South Africa:
When I hopped on the plane with Teachers
Without Borders at the end of June, I knew that even though our
group had spent months preparing for the South African project - I
really wasn't 100% certain of what was awaiting me in Cape Town.
The subject matter - teaching computer integration skills to
classroom teachers - was a natural choice for me. I've taught and
used computers in an educational setting for the past 15 years. But
the idea of leaving the hot, dry Manitoba summer to fly 20 hours
across oceans and continents to make my way down to the southern
tip of Africa (during their cold-wet winter) to work with teachers
in the Townships surrounding Cape Town, South Africa was something
a bit more difficult to picture. I really didn’t know what to
And maybe something as simple as the weather is a great place to
start telling you about what I experienced in South Africa: The
weather in Cape Town in July can be truly lousy for days at a time.
(This is not really a problem for a Manitoban - we're used to it,
right?) The neat thing is that the first bond between peoples
across the world may very well be complaining about how bad the
weather is (and how off-kilter the weather reports seem to be). So,
while I didn't actually pack a bottle of sun-screen, I did secretly
harbour a fantasy (in spite of what I read on the Weather Network
website) that Africa must always be hot. Well, it's not, and it's
nice to know that nobody in Cape Town trusts the weather reports.
(We often waited days for the warmer weather to come, but most
days, in spite of predictions of happier times, it rained on and
off all day and the temperature lingered around 10-15 degrees
Celsius.) There were even reports of snow-fall on the top of Table
Mountain (which sits in the middle of the city). So I was wrong
about the heat, but it is comforting to tell you that the African
teachers think Canada is always at least I'm not the only
one with weatherism!
Obviously, a big part of an undertaking of this nature is
organization. I would like to mention that our TWB Canada project
leader (TWB president Noble Kelly) did a fantastic job with all the
preparation and arrangements. Air travel, accommodations, food,
ground travel and tourist excursions were all well-planned and I
felt safe and well cared-for the entire three weeks in Cape
The two schools I worked in were in the Mitchell's Plains and
Guguletu Townships. As I learned, "Townships" are the shanty-town
neighbourhoods of the black and coloured peoples in the country of
South Africa. They are basically poor suburbs with shack-like homes
composed of wood and tin (currently being ever-so-slowly upgraded
to brick/stucco). The townships are usually within a long bus or
train-ride of the major South African cities, where many of the
inhabitants find work in the service and manufacturing sectors. The
terms "black and coloured" still linger from the separateness that
was legislated by the Apartheid Regime of the National Party in
1950 (lasting until 1994), and Apartheid still leaves its mark on
the poor of this country, as there remains a distinction between
being "white", "coloured" or "black".
One of the more upsetting stories I was told as we visited the
Langa Township was that back in the Apartheid days, National Party
bureaucrats (whites) made decisions on a person's color based on
something called the "pencil test" which consisted of inserting a
pencil in a person's hair and then asking him to shake his head. If
the pencil stuck, he was determined to be "black" and was sent to a
black township to live; if the pencil fell out, he was determined
to be "coloured" and was given a ticket to a slightly better ghetto
– a coloured township. This separation of the poor and dispossessed
into an economic hierarchy served its predictable purpose -
dividing and conquering.
But in 2008, times are slowly changing – improvements are being
made, mostly due to the unshakable spirit of the people living in
these neighbourhoods. Townships are being re-built by local
families in conjunction with international NGOs such as Habitat For
Humanity. Schools, while challenged by extremely large class-sizes
and a host of other issues, are providing better and better
education. Clean and safe drinking water and food are more readily
available for those who have the money, and there is a burgeoning
spirit of entrepreneurship that reminds me of home. Don’t get me
wrong - the poverty here is palpable, and the crime-rate is
alarming – but there is hope and energy.
And I guess it is because of this hope and energy that it occurs to
me that our work at Glendale and Fezeka Schools was a lot less of a
charity effort and lot more of a collaborative effort between
teachers who want to learn from each other. We spent three weeks
offering workshops and, as our colleagues in South Africa call it,
"partnering" with each other to discuss and practice integrating
ICT into the core areas of the curriculum - maths, sciences,
language arts and social studies. In my opinion, the teachers we
met exhibited the same array of technological skills that might be
found in any Canadian school. Some are complete beginners with no
keyboarding skills, some have home computers with intermediate
skill-sets and a few are deeply into everything the digital
generation has to offer. Almost all of the south Africans I met
carry cell-phones, so the technology is available and, for the most
part affordable to teachers.
However, as we experience at home in Canada, many South African
teachers feel they are getting left in the dust when it comes to
keeping up with their students and technology. There just isn't
enough time in a teacher's day (anywhere in the world) to keep up
with students who spend endless hours on social networking
websites, uploading and sharing files on the internet and
"blue-toothing" audio files and photographs between cell-phones and
hand-held devices.
The key is: the teachers I met knew they needed to move with the
times, and they were actually willing to give up their holiday time
to spend a week or more in a computer lab with five Canadians from
Teacher Without Borders.
The results were outstanding, in my opinion. We were able to
quickly establish collaborative relationships with our colleagues,
and, as a result, offer training and advice at beginner,
intermediate and advanced levels. (The TWB Canada website has links
to all the workshop information we created while in Cape Town and
displays a series of workshops that most schools in Canada and
South Africa could benefit from.
In conclusion, I feel that the TWB Cape Town Project was a
wonderful experience - I made many new friends, hopefully left a
bit of computer knowledge behind, and

home many fantastic photos, memories and lessons from the people I
met in South Africa. I would highly recommend a TWB project to
other teachers - I am planning to sign up for another project,
perhaps as soon as next year.
John Ehinger
Whitemouth, Manitoba
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What a wonderful and enriching experience! I feel very fortunate to
have been given the opportunity to collaborate with a team of 10
amazing teachers from all across Canada whose dedication,
professionalism and talent is inspiring. It was extremely rewarding
to work with such a top-notch group of educators, make connections
with Kenyan teachers and students, share ideas and learn about
cultural differences. We received a warm welcome at every school we
visited and the Kenyan teachers who attended the workshops were
very keen, responsive, and open to new ideas and active
participants in all activities.
The TWB team, under the leadership of Noble Kelly, approached the
workshops with an attitude of mutual respect, where the goal was
for teachers to collaborate with each other, share ideas and learn
from each other. With this respectful approach to professional
development, the atmosphere was very positive and the end result
was a fabulous experience for all. Noble’s endless work in
preparation for the trip and behind the scenes ensured the success
of this project and laid the groundwork for future TWB projects in
Kenya. His sense of humour, organizational skills, patience and
great leadership (not to mention his musical talent) made the trip
even more enjoyable and successful.
The trip to Kenya included delivering two sets of workshops to
Kenyan teachers, visiting primary and secondary schools, working
with students, teachers and parents at a program for students with
special needs, meeting with the director of the Kenya Institute of
Education, and meeting Steven Weaver, Director of CIDA’s programs
in Kenya. I truly enjoyed every part of this experience and feel
honoured to have shared it with such wonderful people (and a very
cute stuffed turtle named Victor!)
Thanks for doing such a great job, TWB- Team Kenya!
Carolanne Oswald
Victoria, BC
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There’s something about the smell as soon as you walk out of the
airport in Nairobi into the soft African night. The combination of
diesel fumes, road dust and charcoal smoke from countless cooking
fires began to fuel an excitement deep down inside that grew as I
drove in the taxi towards the city, passing spreading acacia trees,
illuminated billboards for Safaricom and Tusker beer, and even at
that hour of the night, people. People walking along the side of
the road, alone, in groups, carrying briefcases, shopping bags or
loads of firewood on their backs with leather straps passed around
their foreheads for support.
It was this sense, fueled by those first sights and smells, that
there was a whole new world to discover here in Kenya - to explore,
to live in, to learn from, to hopefully contribute something to -
that made me lay any slight apprehensions aside and embrace the
challenge that lay ahead with Teachers Without Borders.
And what a challenge it was. How do you put together a workshop for
teachers whose average class size is over 50, who don’t have
electricity in their classrooms, who often don’t even have enough
What I discovered was that we could relate as colleagues. When you
strip everything away to the essentials, we do the same job. We
work with the same basic tools – chalkboard and chalk. We believe
in the power of education to affect change, we care about our
students and we want them to learn. I realized that the workshops
were not about us, the Canadian teachers, teaching Kenyan teachers
about our superior Canadian methods, but about us as colleagues
working together. Working together to grow as teachers, to learn
new ideas from each other, to share our different experiences and
to build professional relationships with each other that would
transcend the three or four days of the workshops.
I came away from the TWB-Kenya project with a profound respect for
my Kenyan colleagues. I learned so much about teaching and learning
this summer. I came back home with a renewed sense of global
connectedness, of being a citizen not just of Canada, but of the
world. I am more energized and motivated as a teacher than I have
been for years. My head is buzzing with new ideas and plans for the
coming year, especially how to incorporate my experience into my
teaching this year, and how to maintain and grow the fledgling
connections I’ve made.
I can’t end this reflection without mentioning the fabulous team I
worked with for a month. We met as virtual strangers in Kenya but
became friends instantly. My team members were incredible
professionals with a great breadth of experience in teaching and
traveling. Noble’s leadership helped us to stay focused (and on
time), flexible and good humored (all of those, except

punctuality, are essential in Kenya I
discovered). Everyone put in a great deal of work and I think we
all look back in pride not only at what we accomplished with this
pilot project, but at what we learned and how we grew over our
month together.
Anita Hayhoe
Toronto, ON
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For a four-week period during July and August of 2008, I was
honoured to be a part of a Teachers Without Borders team in Kenya.
I have been a classroom teacher for more than thirty years. The
experience in Kenya was one of the highlights in a most rewarding
Yes, in preparation we did communicate by email, by phone, and by
Skype conference calls, but we had never actually met as a team
until we met in Kenya. We had only a few short days to coordinate
our efforts to get ready our workshops with Kenyan teachers who we
had never met before. What a challenge! Yet it worked. We, as a
team of 10 Canadian teachers from various cities from Victoria to
Montreal, from different disciplines, from widely varying degrees
of experience, came together as professionals. When the first day
arrived for us to present our workshops, we were ready.
The Kenyan teachers are amazing. They welcomed us and responded so
well to our work with them. They do not meet together very often.
In Canada, we have opportunities to attend workshops, conferences,
and to meet in departments. For some of our Kenyan colleagues, this
was the first time they met in years. It is so good to see how
engaged both the Canadian and Kenyan teachers were during the
Their teaching conditions are quite different from that of the
average Canadian classroom. In most of the classrooms we visited,
the brick walls were often bare. There was a single blackboard at
the front of the room. Classes are large. At one of the schools, I
spoke to a young Grade 1 teacher. She had just graduated from
secondary school and had 95 students in her classroom. At the
primary level, it is not unusual to have so many students in one
room. At the secondary level, the number of students varies, but a
class of 30 students would be considered a small class.
When classes were still in session, we got to meet the students.
Sometimes, the head teacher would call the students to an outdoor
gathering place to address them and to meet us. The students would
politely arrange themselves according to their grade. A microphone
was not necessary. We spoke to them, and sometimes a senior student
would be asked to address us. My most memorable moments with the
students came when I could talk with them individually or in
smaller groups. At one school, I was surrounded by students who
listened eagerly as I helped one of their peers with a chemistry
problem. The younger students loved to have their pictures taken
and shown back to them on our camera screens. At times, when they
saw us, they would run to us and gather around us. Some of the
children just wanted to touch our hands. We were captured by their
spirit, and by the beauty of their songs and dances.
Of course, it was not all work and no play. We went on safari at
the Maasai Mara National Reserve. I was awed by the thousands of
wildebeests in their annual migration across the Serengeti - Mara
ecosystem. We saw elephants, giraffes, hippopotamus, baboons,
impalas, topis, gazelles, zebras, rhinoceros, warthogs, and many
other animals and birds. We went on a horseback ride on Mount
Kenya. We crossed the equator as we travelled to northern Kenya. In
our travels to the workshop site, we skirted along the Rift Valley
and were treated to fantastic views. We even made the occasional
trip to a nearby shopping centre where I could satisfy my urge for
chocolate and explore a Maasai handicrafts market.
This kind of experience could not have happened without the hard
work and vision of Noble Kelly, the president of TWB Canada. Thank
you Noble. Also to Mali Bain, a wonderful teacher from British
Columbia who did important ground work for us while volunteering in
It is said that teachers are the key to the future of the world’s
children. Yet many children do not have access to education, and
many teachers face difficult teaching conditions. Those who work
through Teachers Without Borders can make a difference. I believe
that in Kenya, we rekindled that inner spark in the heart of both
Canadian and Kenyan teachers. Both groups learned and benefited. In
the end, it is my belief and hope,

that it
is the children, they who hold the future, who will benefit the
most. For me, it is building the future. It is responding with
gratitude for a rewarding career. It is giving back.
Dennis Kuzenko
Winnipeg, MB
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A friend of mine sent me an e-mail near the end of February that
said, “You may be interested in this”. The e-mail contained
information about recruiting teachers to do volunteer work in Kenya
with an organization called Teachers Without Borders. I filled the
application forms and sent them off. At the beginning of May I
found out that I was selected to be part of the team. I was
ecstatic when I heard the news.
The next few months were busy. Meetings in regards to the Kenyan
assignment were held. Communicating with other team members
constantly through e-mail in regards to lesson plans, activities
and workshops took a fair amount of time. On top of that, the
school year was coming to an end. Life was hectic from May to June.
I remember finishing my last activity for a workshop on the last
day of school. I then had to start packing to go to Kenya. I was
Landing at Kenyatta International Airport, lining up for customs
and looking around me, I finally realized that I was in a place far
way from home. The road to Nairobi with a pothole here and there
and with people hustling and bustling on each side of the road gave
me the feeling that this was going to be very different than
On July 19, I drove to Jumuia Conference Centre. I entered the
guarded area of the centre with great metal gate. Inside the
grounds there was a building to the right, which was the main
building. About hundred yards from the building was the cottages. I
found the men’s cottage with four individual rooms in it. Behind
the cottage were a soccer field, tennis courts and a basketball
court. This was going to going to be my home for the next month or
so. Konrad and I would make good use of the soccer field in days to
The rest of the week was hectic. We had only few days to organize
for the Secondary workshops. I remember my first drive to Maai
Mahiu, where the workshops were held, and looking at the Maasai
land and part of the Rift Valley below as we descended on the road
to Maai Mahiu. The image of this land would become part of my
memory for the rest of my life.
The team members were reserved at the beginning of first day of the
workshops. We did not know what lay head of us. There was also a
level of excitement. Once the introductions were made and we began
to engage with the Kenyan teachers, beautiful relationships began
to emerge. At the end of the day we were proud of what we had
accomplished and the Kenyan teachers were appreciative for what we
had done. The next two days were amazing in terms of the material
we presented and it was wonderful to watch how receptive and
engaged the Kenyan teachers were. I learnt so much from the
teachers in terms of their curriculum and the examination the
students had to write in standard eight and form four. I was
horrified to find out that the examinations counted for hundred
percent of the student’s final grade and if they did not pass the
standard eight exam, the student could not get into a high school.
I also learnt the teachers in Kenya never had an opportunity to
have professional development. This was the first time they had
come together to learn about pedagogy, delivery process and the
assessment of the subjects they taught. The secondary workshops
were a success. I felt proud of the team and the Kenyan
The following week would be busy in travelling. We visited many
schools and some them were in rural and remote areas. On these
travels we saw amazing landscape and met lot of caring and
wonderful teachers. I remember visting schools that had no running
water, no electricity and outdoor toilets. I saw classrooms made
out of poles with aluminium sidings and aluminium roofs. In some
classroom I saw eighty-four students in them. I remember thinking
to myself, how do you teach eighty-four primary children? I met
students who told me he walked five kilometres each way to come to
school. I was very touched.
After visting the schools we began our preparation for the Primary
teachers. We were much more relaxed for these workshops. Our
meetings with the Primary teachers before the workshops helped in
terms of our preparation. We were able to address some of the needs
in our workshops. The Primary teachers were much more energetic and
enthusiastic. They lifted our energies. The kind words iterated by
the teachers at the end of the workshops indicated to us how
appreciative they were for what we had done for them.
Our work in Kenya had come to closure. After the last workshop we
had gathered for our debriefing meeting. In the meeting we shared
our moments and the highlights of our trip and what it meant to
each one of us. I was proud of all us. These were people who I had
never met in my life from all parts of Canada. In one short month
we connected through the people of Kenya and its land. There were
lots of hugs and tears when we left.
I was born in Nairobi and left at the age of four. I always dreamt
about visiting my birthplace. To me it was important to revisit the
place I was born before I departed from this world. I was glad I
had an opportunity to contribute to Kenyan people through my
profession and work with Teachers Without Borders.
On my last day in Nairobi on my way to the Kenyatta International
airport I remember telling Oxbgja, my driver, that I will miss
Kenya and I will miss the land and the people. I

recall Oxbgja saying, “ Maybe you return next year and bring your
family”. I know that one day I will return to Kenya and help the
Kenyan people and their children. Kenya is a part of me.
Sohan Dulai
Vancouver, BC
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Kenya is a literary place, a collage of poetic moments and untold
epics that seem transparent at first, but are often shrouded by a
dark mysteriousness that permeates the country. Every day of my
five week stay in this persistently hopeful country left me
struggling for adjectives. I was awed, angered, saddened, delighted
and inspired over and over again, every day, all day, until I fell
into bed each night too exhausted to make sense of what I had seen.
I've chosen a story that affirms my belief that the most important
part of the experience with Teachers Without Borders was the
lifelong connections we brought back with us.
The community that surrounded our heavily fortified conference
centre was called Kabuku. The people here are relatively well off,
meaning they have cement walls and solid roofs that thieves can't
remove. A few of my colleagues and I often went for walks in the
green hills just behind the main road. We were charmed by the tidy
family farms, the brightly painted fences, the flowers, and the
friendly people who were surprised to see mzungus (white people)
wandering through their neighbourhood. Anne of Green Gables would
have been at home in this little village of curving dusty roads and
hobbit-like abodes. She may have been surprised by the number of
children herding goats and sheep or struggling with giant water
containers on their backs. She would have been delighted as the
younger children surrounded her, laughing at her pale skin and
daring each other to shake her hand or touch her hair.
This Sunday morning Anita, Sohan, and I had attended an Anglican
church service. We were asked to stand and introduce ourselves to
the congregation. We told them we were visiting Canadians.
Afterwards, we went for a two hour walk up into the hills. I
noticed a young man following us. An hour into the walk, he finally
gathered the courage to approach us.
"Excuse me," he said, "My name is Kenneth. I love Canada! I'll
prove it!" Which he did, by taking off his coat and his white
Sunday shirt. This revealed a bright red t-shirt with the word
Canada boldly printed on it. I laughed and asked him how old he was
and what he liked to do. He said he was 17, in his final year of
high school and that he loved art, evidenced by the porcupine quill
(used as an art tool) in his hand.
When I had left for Kenya four weeks earlier, my friend, Darlene,
had given me a spectacular briefcase filled with pencil crayons,
oil paints, pastels, water colours, and charcoal pencils and asked
me to give it to an art lover. I had begun to fear I wouldn't find
the right person because art is last on a long list of priorities
in Kenyan schools.
I'm a committed rationalist, but as I stood at the peak of this
valley, surrounded by idyllic green hills and farms on this warm
Sunday morning and listened to this young man talk about his
passion for art, I couldn't help but believe, for the moment
anyway, that some sleight of hand had orchestrated this moment.
"Meet me at the gates of the Jumuia Conference Centre at 4:00. I
have a gift for you."
Unfortunately, we had a full day planned with the rest of our group
and did not return to the conference centre until 7:00 p.m, three
hours late for my meeting with Kenneth. I asked at the gates; they
told me that he had come, but was mistakenly told the Canadians had
gone back to Canada. I can't imagine how disappointed he must have
been. I went to Margaret and Patrick at the front desk and pleaded
for help. I showed them a picture of Kenneth and asked if they
could find him. I was leaving the next day for another part of
Kenya but was willing to drop by the centre on my way to the
airport in one week's time if Kenneth could be located. I gave them
my cell number and left. Five days later, I got a call that Kenneth
had been found. Patrick and Margaret had gone back to the Anglican
church to find out if anybody knew him. Since the congregation
wasn't there, it was difficult. They persisted, and through a long
series of connections, finally found him. He would be waiting at
the conference centre on Sunday at 10:30 a.m., exactly one week, to
the hour, that I had last seen him.
I arrived at 11:30 and there he was dressed in a dark suit five
sizes too big. He'd been waiting since 7:30 a.m. Kenneth was, of
course, thrilled with the gift. He was nervous and shy in his
formal suit, and I realized how much courage it had taken him to
initiate this whole experience. He said it was the most amazing
gift he had ever received. We shook hands, exchanged emails and
promised to stay in touch. When I got back to Canada I told this
story to the art teachers at our school; they said they would be
thrilled to develop a relationship with him in order to nurture his
love for art and send more art supplies.
This connection, and others I brought home from Kenya, was one of
the most valuable parts of my experience with Teachers Without
Borders. The biggest challenge of the whole experience began the
moment I arrived home and opened my journal. I've spent days
sorting through the dozens and dozens of requests, some realistic,
some not for lesson plans, computers, supplies and contacts with
Canadian teachers. Kenyan teachers are hungry to learn and develop
relationships with teachers in Canada. Unfortunately, there are
virtually no opportunities for professional development in Kenya
because teachers are forced to be extremely competitive. Knowledge
is hoarded because teachers depend on the success of their students
to secure future promotions. Because these teachers can't rely on
each other for support, a committed partnership with a teacher in
another country is an invaluable resource for Kenyan educators.
This doesn't always require a financial commitment, especially if
the teacher in Kenya has access to a computer. My goal is to bring
Kenyan and Canadian educators and students together in a meaningful
way - it's a little like being a matchmaker without worrying about
height and weight! I've found that Canadian teachers are equally
enthusiastic to connect with teachers in other countries,
especially when they come attached with stories and pictures.
The first question everybody asks me is whether this trip changed
my life. The answer is a resounding yes; however, the tense will
always stay present. The experience will continue to change my life
in a profound way because I can no longer change the channel when I
don't want to see images of needy people in Africa. The images are
a permanent part of who I am, and I now feel more compelled than
ever to help. Is this a burden? Perhaps. But perspective is one of
the many gifts I took home from Africa.
I want to end by thanking the Canadians I worked with on the trip.
To Konrad Glogowski for being a computer genius with exceptional
social skills (isn't this a rarity?), Anita Hayhoe for generously
giving me her antibiotics, and being an exemplary English mentor,
Carolanne Oswald, for overcoming a bad hit on the trip and
inspiring me with her incredible work with the special needs kids
in Africa, Sharon Peters, for her generous medicine cabinet and her
over the hill enthusiasm for technology (I'm hooked), Sohan Dulai
for his consistent acts of kindness and the magical walks in the
hills of Kabuku, Kim Jonat for her youthful response to the crazy
world of Kenya and her fabulous sense of humour, Dennis Kuzenko for
his passion for science and the plight of the poor and for always
making sure I didn't get hit by a car or worse (I noticed), Betty
Kiddell for being everybody's mother - a kinder woman doesn't
exist, Mail Bain for being the most forward thinking and courageous
young woman I've ever met, Shannon Howlett for braving Tanzania on
her own, teaching me how to eat ugali, and helping me find humour
and perspective in the darkness, and finally Noble Kelly, our
resilient leader,

hard work, perseverance and ideals made this a life-changing trip
for a huge network of people in Canada and Africa - may Celine Dion
sing you to sleep every night…
Silvia Knittel
Langley, BC
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What happens when you take thirteen Canadian teachers from four
different provinces and education systems and have them meet for
the first time in a foreign African country in order to create PD
workshops within three short days for teachers in that culture?
One might be tempted to think they would not have much success.
These were our initial challenges as we arrived first in Cape Town,
South Africa, then later in Limuru, just outside of Nairobi, Kenya.
We had very little time to acclimatize to the culture and
understand how the education systems in South Africa and Kenya
operated. On both occasions we were invited on our first day to
meet officials representing the area's education systems so that we
could learn more about the area and schools.
In the case of Kenya, the District Education Officer of the
Naivasha region was an enthusiastic supporter of our initiative and
had arranged for thirty-five of the high schools to send two
teachers each to our workshops. The following day, the directors of
the Kenyan curriculum invited us to Nairobi to the Kenyan Institute
of Education (KIE). They gave us an overview of the Kenyan
curricula for English, science and maths. As well, they invited us
to provide a report of our visits to the schools and with the
Nonetheless, I had a certain amount of apprehension about the
expectations placed on the success of our workshops. We are the
very first Teachers Without Borders team to work in Cape Town and
in Kenya. The short visits to one or two schools before our
workshops provided insights into the stark realities that teachers
face in both countries, but in Kenya particularly – overcrowded
classrooms, very very few resources, pressure to succeed at state
standardized tests that seemed to focus exclusively on evaluating
trivial minutiae through trick questions. A very limited number of
university spaces are available each year in Kenya, which exerts
great pressure on students to succeed. In fact, a limited number of
high school positions are available as well, so the Standard 8 (gr.
8) exams also have high stakes associated with them. Also, while
caning was banned a few years ago, we were left with the impression
that this mode of discipline was still used in some places by
teachers in order to maintain control.
Of course, we also faced a certain amount of tension within our
groups as we groped to understand the differences between our
provincial curricula as we created the content for our workshops.
Just struggling to find time between our visits so that we could
prepare was trying for us as many of us were attempting to deal
with jet lag and huge cultural differences. By the third day,
though, we had worked through our differences and had created some
great resources and materials for the teachers.
For each of the workshops, we began with a brief 20-30 minute
overview of the topic and then broke into groups to promote
interaction and dialogue between the South African and Kenyan
teachers. Two of our workshops challenged the teachers to consider
models of informal self-driven professional development within
their own learning communities. Other workshops on the topics of
project-based and objective-based learning, cooperative learning,
assessment, learning styles and study strategies were provided.
The feedback from the teachers was very positive. They especially
enjoyed the interactive sessions where participation was
encouraged. This is a very different model from the typical Kenyan
classroom where teachers lectured from the front to a passive
audience of students.
My Canadian colleagues very much have impressed me with their
professionalism and creativity throughout the workshops. It has
been a privilege to work with them and I have learned a great deal
throughout this experience. As well, I have been awed by the
professionalism, knowledge and creativity demonstrated by my new
African colleagues.
Noble Kelly, our TWB Canada prez, had hoped we would quietly make
our way into Kenya for the first time and do a few workshops with
some interested teachers; instead, we have made quite a splash
there. In rural Kenya, it is difficult not to notice ten wazungu
(white people) visiting schools and small towns. At times I have
felt like we are a traveling freak show on wheels. This past week,
we had follow-up visits to schools at their invitation after the
workshops. A few times, while standing amongst hordes of students,
I would feel my long fine blonde hair stroked, handled and
caressed. Small children have no shyness and run to greet us
wherever we are. They especially LOVE to have their photo taken, so
at times we have caused near riots by simply bringing out our
Fortunately, we have been very well supported by our partner NGOs
in both countries, Edunova in South Africa, and Comfort the
Children (CTC) in Kenya. They have gained a good deal of respect
here for their own initiatives supporting the local economy through
micro-businesses, health care and the environment.
I have visited many places in the world; Africa hits one in the gut
at an elemental level. It is more than just the people - it is the
variety of cultures, the sights and sounds of so many languages,
the give and take in trying circumstances, the creative
improvisation when something breaks down or gives way, the sense of
time not being a real pressure. And, of course, being a team member
of TWB has given me access to real people in the culture living in
real circumstances - not just a tourist who sees the nice parts of
the country. Indeed, our “vacation” to the safari of Maasai Mara
has placed us in the situation of being a “mzungu tourist” and it
has been an entirely different experience for us - somewhat
uncomfortable after seeing the grittier side of Kenya.
Somewhat like parenthood, I was not adequately prepared for Africa.
One can read and be informed; living it is another thing
altogether. I have picked up some literature about

Africa by
Africans when I have been here - I plan to be that much better
informed for my next visit!
Sharon Peters
Montreal, QC
(Taken from excerpts from my blog written during my trip,
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My 14 000+km journey from Vancouver to Kenya began back in April
2008 when I found out I would be part of the team facilitating
workshops in Kenya. I tried to prepare myself both for the
workshops and the inevitable culture shock I would soon face by
reading books and surfing the web. I don’t think anything can fully
prepare you for immersion into Kenyan culture. The people are
wonderful and the land is stunning but the differences from our
culture are staggering.
Throughout the entire trip I was amazed by the day-to-day
challenges faced by the Kenyan teachers and even more so by their
ability to look beyond these obstacles or improvise to get by. Most
schools did not have electricity, all had water tanks, outhouses
and some had windows, although they were usually broken. There were
no whiteboards, AV equipment or overheads. No, there was a
chalkboard and many eager students, sometimes 4 to 5 on a bench
meant for 2, peering up at the teacher. I was stunned at how hard
the students studied for their upcoming examinations. I came to
realize how much Kenyans value education and was troubled at how
most of my students in Canada take it for granted. Education gives
people hope. I will never forget when the Kenyan Institute of
Education’s director of secondary education stated, “Exams are a
matter of life or death in this country.” In other words doing well
on exams is a viewed as a golden ticket out of the cycle of
Although I am a fairly new teacher to the profession having only
taught for five years; the secondary and primary workshops were
definitely a highlight of my career thus far. Professional
development in Kenya is virtually non-existent so our arrival was
like a breath of fresh air. The Kenyan teachers possessed a
contagious energetic spirit. The lengths the teachers go to on
behalf of their students were incredible. Some of the teachers
traveled up to three hours and many left their families behind all
in pursuit of learning new ways to help their students. The primary
workshop was held during school holidays yet there was a still a
full house. The information on teaching methodologies such as
cooperative group learning, project-based learning, learning
styles, study skills, assessment and developing professional
learning communities was very well received. Each session began
with an introduction followed by group learning activities.
Cooperative learning was a foreign concept to most as the typical
Kenyan classroom involves a teacher giving a lecture to a passive
audience. In the sciences and math, the teachers opened my eyes by
how much they could do without fancy lab equipment or technologies.
One of the most valuable parts of the workshops was the opportunity
to engage in informal conversation.
Although the work was demanding, I came away with a wealth of new
information about education in general, teaching methodologies and
math & science activities from both the Kenyan educators and
from my fellow Canadian colleagues. I feel more motivated and
energized as we begin this school year. Now I am working on
incorporating my experiences into my teaching, sharing my
experiences with colleagues and fostering the connections I have
made with Kenyan teachers via the Internet. The trip also allowed
us an opportunity to connect with curriculum policy-makers from the
Kenyan Institute of Education and to share our thoughts and
insights on education. They were very receptive and welcomed our
reports containing feedback and suggestions.
I want to take a moment to share one of the most memorable parts of
my trip. I will never forget descending into and driving across the
floor of the Rift Valley to visit a Maasai school called Namuncha
Primary School. Three years ago the school consisted of a shady
patch under a tree in the schoolyard where students would gather
for the day’s lessons. A lot has changed since then. The school now
has 3 classroom blocks, a donated computer lab and more rooms are
under construction. The traditional songs and dances performed by
the Masaii students and the entire school were a testament to the
pride they have for their school and their tribe. Kenyans’ hunger
to learn was never more clear then when I learned of a twenty-eight
year old man who had returned to standard 5 (grade 5) at this
primary school to further his education. We continued our journey
that day with the headmaster of the school and one of his past
pupils who is now in secondary school. She took us to her family’s
compound where we met her family, learned about the Maasai peoples
and were served a traditional lunch. I will never forget this
unique experience.
I have taken away a myriad of memories that upon reflection seem a
bit surreal. I never expected to gain so many lessons from the
Kenyan teachers and people. It’s such a world of difference from
here that it’s hard to put into words. A special thanks goes out to
Noble Kelly for his vision and for orchestrating the entire
project, to Mali Bain for organizing logistics both prior to our
arrival and throughout the trip, to our partner NGO Comfort the
Children based in Maai Mahiu who helped supported our endeavors and

arrange logistics on the ground, and to the amazing TWB team of
2008! It was an unforgettable experience that has changed my life
and one that I will cherish for years to come.
Asanti sana,
Kim Jonat
N. Vancouver, BC
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My experience with Teachers Without Borders touched me deeply, and
I'll never forget it. I heard about TWB from a colleague who
participated in the summer of 2007. I've had some involvement in
service trips in the past, but usually as a teacher-sponsor. While
these experiences have been rewarding, what really interested me
about TWB was the opportunity to work and share with other teaching
professionals. So, of course I was thrilled to be offered the
opportunity to do some technology in-service with South African
I'd like to thank Noble Kelly for his vision in starting
TWB-Canada, and for his tireless work in managing the organization,
and promoting the cause. I'd also like to thank my other TWB
colleagues, Sharon, John and Konrad for their professionalism,
creativity and good humour not only in South Africa but also in the
planning stages leading up to the workshops. I’d love to work with
any or all of you guys again, and I hope we do some day. Finally, I
would like to thank my employer, Crofton House School, for their
support of my involvement, and for ultimately providing
professional development funds to assist in my travel costs.
During our third week in South Africa, after 2 successful 4-day
teacher workshops, our group met with representatives from Edunova,
a Cape Town-based NGO, to go over the details of a "Principals ICT
Boot Camp" that we were planning together. During a moment of
personal reflection it struck me that the efforts of so many people
working together, although physically divided for the most part,
was the key to our success. I took a moment to send an email to the
senior administration of CHS, just to let them know that I was a
part of something amazing. Here is that email:
Hello from South Africa!
I'm taking 5 minutes to 'multi-task' and send this message while
our team plans for a Principals' ICT workshop. The two week-long
workshops for teachers were well attended - about 60 teachers in
total. It has been an empowering experience for all concerned, and
our team has received many messages of thanks (see below). Teachers
who in some cases had never used a mouse have created blogs and
wikis, joined social networks and converted hand written notes into
PowerPoint presentations.
Personally, I have had a great cultural and professional
experience, working with South African teachers and the other ICT
specialists from TWB Canada.
Thank you for supporting my involvement; it is truly the best
personal and professional development I could imagine!
- - - - - - -
This is part of an email I received from a teacher who attended our
second workshop, in Fezeka, a township school near Cape Town.
Thank you David for your restlessness torward our self development,
it is unimaginable kindness to give up what concerns you so that
you may pursue what concerns others.

continue the good work, selflessness is uncompared even in things
that seem to profit little or nothing, so be encouraged always.
Thank you David.
- - - - - - -
David Dallman
Vancouver, BC
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Read Konrad's South African reflection