Profile: Founder and President, Global Visits. Dr. Betty Tonsing has over thirty years experience in executive management, creative project and program development, research, international aid, education, fund development and entrepreneurial ventures. Currently a Senior Fulbright Specialist, Dr. Tonsing has served as a Fulbright Scholar in Lebanon and worked with the United Nations, the US Agency for International Development, Catholic Relief Services and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs. She has also served as chief executive and development officer for several non-profit organizations. Dr. Tonsing has written extensively for a wide range of national and international journals and publications, with books published by Macmillan of London on the history of an African monarchy, and by Mellen Press of New York on the history of Quakers in South Africa, and their social witness against apartheid. In addition to her academic and international activities, Dr. Tonsing owns her own business in the insurance and financial service industry.
Grade level(s) taught
post secondary, adult education
Present status
I am currently teaching
Number of years teaching experience
If you have done work internationally, where and in what capacity?
Fulbright Scholar: Beirut Lebanon 2004-2005; Visiting academic, Kyrgyzstan 2003-2004; consultant, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, Kyrgyzstan, 2004; South African Council of Catholic Bishops appeal to end apartheid, South Africam 1988-1993; development consultant, Lesotho, 1984-1988; Catholic Relief Services, Lesotho, 1984; United Nations, Lesotho, 1981-1984.
If you are willing to volunteer, in what area(s):
membership outreach, organisational partnerships
How did you hear about us and a few words why you want to join EBB:
Noble Kelly
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