Education Beyond Borders

Frank Palatnick
  • 73
  • Little Neck, NY
  • United States
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  • Noble Kelly

Frank Palatnick's Page

Profile Information

Subject area expertise
I am a UN Advisor of Global Education specializing in College
Administration. I have been nominated for the Nobel Peace
Prize for 2008. I have created over 100 different formulae,
theories and practices to help improve both pedagogy and
administrative practices worldwide. I have been to over 4
countries in the past 4 years including China, Jordan, Australia, Siberia and England. My philosophy is the improvement and inculcation of the concept of Compassion.
I can be found in most Who's Who including Who's Who of America, Who's Who in the World, Who's In American Education and Who's Who Among Teachers and Educators.
I have my own TV show on Public Access in Manhattan, NY.
Grade level(s) taught
adult education
Present status
Noncertified Educator
Language(s) you can instruct in
English, Spanish
Number of years teaching experience
Skills & Interests
I can create prior learning assessment essays, curriculum
for professional development courses and speeches for any
educator or administrator. My interests and hobbies include
going to concerts and reading and researching new methods
to improve the facilitation of understanding.
If you have done work internationally, where and in what capacity?
I have given speeches in Beijing Normal University, participated in various conferences in Amman and Sydney as
part of my activities as an Ambassador through People to People Ambassador Programs. I have participated in a conference in Oxford University as a Honorary Director General of the International Biographical Center located in Oxford. As a UN Advisor, I gave a speech in The Siberian Academy For Public Administration located in Novosibirsk, the capitol of Siberia. I was given a tour of
Akademgorodok , the previously secret research facility
in Siberia. I met and had dinner with the Leadership Chair of UNESCO, Dr. Adele Saftey.
If you are willing to volunteer, in what area(s):
evaluation measurements, internships, organisational partnerships, researchers, workshop facilitation
How did you hear about us and a few words why you want to join EBB:
Through an email from The Global Education Collaborative

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At 10:20 on March 13, 2009, Jaya Chauhan said…
My one year PGCE earned through a school centred initiated teacher training program is considered by Alberta Education to be deficient in university based education courses and in-service program...have appealed , written to the minister of education and got nowhere except for the recommendation to go back to Uni and get a B.Ed thru a 2-yr program...of course I would be paying for that so whilst it was not easy to accept this at first, now, I am quite content at the moment doing what I do... I can contribute my talents and skills to this world while doing any job in the end. It is not the kind of work I do that allows me to be of service. It is who I must choose to be of service through the work that I do. I appreciate your kind feedback... .In peace..
At 9:25 on March 13, 2009, Jaya Chauhan said…
I retrained as a high school science teacher on leaving my work in academe...I was discomforted that so many of my colleagues lived in their heads and not their bodies....disconnected from their students..teaching is a two way process for me....
At 9:21 on March 13, 2009, Jaya Chauhan said…
Thanks and critical pedagogy is what it is all about and I learned a lot when I taught a course "Women and Science" at the Memorial University of Newfoundland and my outlook changed for the schools I have worked my teaching has always been from that perspective and I always had opportunities to work with my students to understand the meaning of education - what it is all about, it is not simply passing on facts...and cultural dislocation has been an integral part of my life....the fact the I cannot teach formally here in alberta does not bother me any more as I am on my journey in life and knowledge is socially constructed...


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