Language and Literacy Education, Children's Rights Education, Global Education, Environmental Education
Grade level(s) taught
grades 1 to 3, grades 4 to 6, grade 7, grade 8, grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12, post secondary
Present status
Certified/Licensed Educator
Language(s) you can instruct in
English, French, Spanish
Number of years teaching experience
11 to 15
Skills & Interests
As UNICEF Canada’s Education Manager, I collaborate with education partners to create curriculum-connected teaching materials, and develop and present workshops on Children’s Rights and Global Education. I work with a variety of partners to implement Right Respecting Schools and Child Friendly Cities across Quebec.I came to UNICEF Canada from the South Slave Education Council in the Northwest Territories, where I taught French as a Second Language for K-6. I taught at the elementary level with the Vancouver School Board and at the elementary and secondary level with the Francophone School Board of British Columbia. In Oaxaca, Mexico and Cano Palma, Costa Rica, I engaged in a rigorous program of in-classroom practicum experience and volunteer opportunities with children who live on the street, combined with instructional seminars, including language and culture classes.
If you have done work internationally, where and in what capacity?
- Taught English as a Second Language, gr.2-3 primary, LaSalle School;
- Established a partnership between the University of Simon Fraser Education Faculty and the public school system of Oaxaca.
- Taught French as a Second Language in a public high school, gr,12;
- Coordinated volunteer opportunities for Canadian students for an organization which works with children living on the street (Canica);
Community Officer, Biology station of Caňo Palma, Costa Rica, Summer of 2008:
Global Vision International: trained and helped biologists to develop and implement an ESL & environmental education program in cooperation with the local community.
If you are willing to volunteer, in what area(s):
curriculum development, digital media, internships, organisational partnerships, translation, workshop facilitation, only interested in receiving information
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I'm an elementary teacher in Vancouver, also doing work with EBB to create campus connections. I'm hoping to get something started up at UBC and noticed that you did your M.Ed. in the LLED department. I just graduated from the same program, but with a focus in TESL. Would love to hear about your experiences and how you integrated an overseas teaching practicum with your program. I didn't hear a lot about educational international development opportunities when I went through UBC so I'm working to build that up now while connecting with people in Vancouver who are interested in the same things.
I was in your UBC French conversation class a while back! I'm currently doing an M.Ed. in gifted education at UBC and teaching grade 5 part-time in New West. I'm also interested in sustainability education, which fits nicely with the grade 5 IRP on living and non-living resources. Cheers, Carmen
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Hello Helene. I hoipe all is progressing for you.
Check out our updated project:
Cheers - Dave
I'm an elementary teacher in Vancouver, also doing work with EBB to create campus connections. I'm hoping to get something started up at UBC and noticed that you did your M.Ed. in the LLED department. I just graduated from the same program, but with a focus in TESL. Would love to hear about your experiences and how you integrated an overseas teaching practicum with your program. I didn't hear a lot about educational international development opportunities when I went through UBC so I'm working to build that up now while connecting with people in Vancouver who are interested in the same things.
I was in your UBC French conversation class a while back! I'm currently doing an M.Ed. in gifted education at UBC and teaching grade 5 part-time in New West. I'm also interested in sustainability education, which fits nicely with the grade 5 IRP on living and non-living resources. Cheers, Carmen