We are a private school with lots of facilities including labs, sport fields, wi-fi connected classrooms, auditorium; we have grades from Kindergarten to 12th grades.
Grade level(s) taught
pre grade 1, grades 1 to 3, grades 4 to 6, grade 7, grade 8, grade 9, grade 10, grade 11
Present status
Certified/Licensed Educator
Language(s) you can instruct in
English, German, Turkish
Number of years teaching experience
1 to 4
If you have done work internationally, where and in what capacity?
We have hosted a 1.1 youth project, "A Breath for Nature". We shared our values and sensitivity about nature, acts for the good of nature with a lot of young people from Italy and Poland. It's lasted for 10 days; there have been activities, visits and games around the city and the school. We ended up the day with debates and evaluation meetings. It's raised awareness of the students, and have them gained selfconfidence towards other cultures.
How did you hear about us and a few words why you want to join EBB:
Private Sahin Schools is an organization that was established in 2000. We are an organisation with more than a thousand students that gives great interest in achieveing the best for our students who are extremely interested in international projects.
We are an very open mininded organisation who is willing to carry on any sort of projects such as video conferences between students, e-mails,student exchange, Youth in Action and also Comenius Projects.
It would be a great honour to work with your organisation and to have strong connections among our students. We hope that this will be the beginning of a great friendship for our students as well as our staff.
To get a better idea about us and our school’s facilities, I’d like to invite you to check on our website:
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