Vocational, online and corporate training development and management.
Grade level(s) taught
adult education
Present status
Language(s) you can instruct in
Number of years teaching experience
1 to 4
Skills & Interests
Experinece in needs assessments, proposal writing, developing curriclum, project management, marketing, public relations and event planning.
If you have done work internationally, where and in what capacity?
Project management of training foreign workers to meet Canadian certification:
Participants mainly from: South America, Asia, Eastern Europe,
If you are willing to volunteer, in what area(s):
curriculum development, grant research/writing, marketing, organisational partnerships, researchers, workshop facilitation
How did you hear about us and a few words why you want to join EBB:
I am passionate about equal opportunities for education. I have extensive experience that could be an asset as well as curriclum, online courses and access to consultants that could be beneficial as well.
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