World Class Schools ACTION PLAN
International Model Diplomacy
Del Valle High School
Del Valle, Texas USA
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Del Valle High School |
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Michael Cunningham |
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Class teacher/ World Class Schools Director/Coordinator |
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5201 Ross Road Del Valle, Texas 78617 (512) 386- 5475 |
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512 386 5475 |
Activity no.10 |
Activity Title |
International Model Diplomacy |
Time line |
Monthly Themed International Model Diplomacy Presentation |
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English or your Native Language |
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Over 150 schools from all over the world |
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13-14 |
15 |
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15 |
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15 |
15-16 |
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15 |
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Quick Start GuideWelcome to Model Diplomacy! This Quick Start Guide provides you with the essentials to run a National Security Council (NSC) simulation with your class. Model Diplomacy is free and easy to use. Just register and follow the simple steps below. For a more comprehensive description of the functions, resources, activities, and flexibility Model Diplomacy offers, please refer to the fulInstructor Guide.WHAT DOES A MODEL DIPLOMACY SIMULATION INCLUDE?• The NSC Guide (section 1) offers a full introduction to the NSC system and the interagency process.• The cases focus on timely foreign policy issues and include background information, context, policy options, and a hypothetical decision point for the NSC to address. Your chosen case will be featured in the Case section (section 2) of the simulation.• The Role-play (section 3) and Wrap-up (section 4) include tips on research and preparation for the classroom NSC meeting, templates of memo assignments, a full bibliography on your chosen case, and reflection questions.• The optional UN Security Council Guide, featuring an introduction to the Council and guidelines for a supplementary role-play to be conducted after the NSC role-play.• Multimedia content includes expert videos, text, glossaries, timelines, suggested readings, and more.• The role sheets are comprehensive role descriptions complete with case-specific interests,concerns, and research leads.• Short-answer questions are available for assessing your students’ knowledge of the NSC and selected case, and position and reflection memos are available for assessment in the Role play and Wrap-up sections.• The simulation dashboard includes all you need to administer a simulation and to manage the pace, sequence, assignments, and submissions.Role PlayWe are gathering schools all across the world who would like to join us doing Model Diplomacy.This is a unique program that allows and promotes much greater world understanding.How The Program WorksIssuesIntersection of economic and foreign policy concernsInterests and responsibilities of developing and developed statesUncertainty of threats and of policy effectsU.S. strategy at international summits, including top-down versus bottom-up approachesRolesRoles US Modify to Roles in Your CountryPresidentVice PresidentSecretary of StateSecretary of DefenseSecretary of EnergyChairman of the Joint Chiefs of StaffNational Security AdvisorDirector of National IntelligenceChief of StaffAttorney GeneralSecretary of the TreasuryPermanent Representative to the UNSecretary of Homeland SecurityAdministrator, . Environmental Protection AgencyGeneral Advisor to the PresidentCustomized RoleWe need 5-10 high schools to join us in this project in the next three to four weeks.Included are sample pictures and video link to the first one with Kherad High School International in Iran and Del Valle High School in TexasRegister HereAllModel Diplomacy cases are hypothetical scenarios based on real-world situations. The cases highlight a range of foreign policy issues faced by the United States and invite students to consider options to address those issues.Dispute in the East China Sea Jan 2019Tensions are escalating rapidly in the East China Sea, where Japan and China have competing sovereignty claims over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. Both nations have asserted overlapping Air Defense Identification Zones over the islands. Moreover, Beijing and Tokyo do not agree on their maritime boundary, and thus their navies operate in close proximity in the East China Sea. Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force surveillance planes and Chinese People’s Liberation Air Force fighter jets have repeatedly come in dangerously close contact off the coast of China. Both Tokyo and Beijing refuse to give ground, claiming their militaries are operating legitimately in accordance with international law.Last updated 1/9/2018Unrest in Bahrain Jan 2019In the small island country of Bahrain, government and security forces have clashed with protestors seeking democratic reform. The ruling al-Khalifa family has responded to these protests with force and mass arrests. There is a history of Sunni-Shia tension in Bahrain, but sectarianism is only one dimension of broader societal stresses related to disenfranchisement and limited economic opportunity for the country’s majority. The instability in Bahrain, which hosts the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet, has far-reaching implications for the United States as it considers how to promote both its interests and its values.Last updated 10/8/2018Global Climate Change Policy Jan 2019The president of the United States plans to attend a major upcoming international climate summit. Members of the National Security Council will need to consider a strategic goal for the summit, bearing in mind the potential impact of climate change, the potential effects of proposed mitigation measures, and the need to secure international support for the U.S. approach from both developed and developing countries.Last updated 8/29/2017Drones in Pakistan Feb. 2019Since the attacks of September 11, 2001, the United States has pursued a vigorous campaign against terrorist groups, including in Pakistan. When information emerges about the location of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in Pakistan, the United States must decide whether to try to capture or kill him—and if so, how. Grappling with the challenges of both counterterrorism and U.S.-Pakistan ties, this case demands the consideration of drone strikes and other imperfect options in the context of a complex and sometimes dysfunctional relationship.Last updated 10/8/2018Humanitarian Intervention in South Sudan Feb. 2019Rival South Sudanese factions have fought a civil war since the end of 2013, causing mass displacements, tens of thousands of deaths, and widespread hunger. Negotiations between the leaders of these factions are stalled, and South Sudan’s dry season approaches, signaling intensified fighting and a humanitarian crisis of potentially historic proportions. The president has asked the National Security Council (NSC) for options on whether and how the United States should pursue a humanitarian intervention in or around South Sudan.Last updated 8/27/2018Collapse in Venezuela Feb 2019After an economic collapse sparks popular protests, the president of Venezuela flees the country. Two members of the ruling party claim the presidency, but neither is able to stabilize the economy or establish full control. Meanwhile, protests continue, factions of the military abandon the government, violence escalates, and drug trafficking and paramilitary activity increase. The National Security Council (NSC) meets to weigh the situation, which both poses threats to the United States and offers the chance to improve relations with an influential regional power and major oil exporter. To recommend a course of action, NSC members must consider how to prioritize and pursue the U.S. interests at stake, including economic stabilization, regional security, a stable flow of oil, protection of human rights, and restoration of democratic governance and the rule of law.Last updated 5/30/2018Interrogation Policy Feb 2019Two al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) militants, holding Saudi passports, have attempted a suicide mission against the U.S. Embassy in Amman, Jordan. One of the attackers was successful, but the other was detained. Intelligence indicates that AQAP intends to carry out further imminent attacks on other U.S. embassies across Europe and the Middle East. The National Security Council (NSC) meets to consider whether the president should authorize enhanced interrogation techniques in an effort to obtain information that could prevent the attacks. In this case, the NSC must weigh the U.S. commitment to international norms against the potential for catastrophic harm.Last updated 3/5/2018Israeli-Palestinian Impasse March 2019A new U.S. president has taken office and directed that a review be undertaken to determine policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The United States has long promoted a two-state solution, but the prospect of a final settlement of the conflict has become increasingly remote after years of fitful and inconclusive negotiations. The stakes for the United States are significant, though they are clearly highest for Israelis and Palestinians. NSC members are tasked with debating whether it is in the U.S. interest to try to inject momentum into the peace process and, if so, how. Debating the options requires attention to both the complex history of the conflict and the specific dynamics of the situation today.Last updated 2/12/2018Economic Crisis in Europe March 2019One of France’s largest banks needs a bailout that its government likely cannot provide, roiling global markets. The National Security Council meets to recommend to the president how the United States should respond to this evolving European financial crisis, which threatens to infect U.S. banks. With Europe expected to enter an economic downturn, and the unity of the European Union (EU) and the eurozone challenged by the rise of extremist political parties in many countries, the crisis jeopardizes Europe’s ability to act as a strong partner to the United States in confronting global challenges.Last updated 3/13/2018Russia and NATO in the Baltics April 2019In recent months, relations between Latvia’s ethnic Latvian majority and its ethnic Russian minority have grown more tense. When intelligence services receive information that a Russian special operations unit has crossed the border, the Latvian prime minister declares a state of emergency and imposes martial law. The United States faces a seeming repetition of Russian actions in Ukraine, but the stakes for the United States and its allies are considerably higher in Latvia, a fellow member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).Last updated 2/26/2018Boko Haram in Nigeria April 2019Boko Haram, a radical Islamist movement, is waging an insurgency against the Nigerian government. Its campaign, estimated to have killed at least twenty thousand people in recent years, threatens the stability of Nigeria, a major oil producer and Africa’s most populous country. Following a massive Boko Haram attack in Lagos, Nigeria’s president has requested that the United States sell heavy military equipment to the country. The National Security Council needs to advise the president on whether to authorize the sale, which is currently prohibited under U.S. law because of the Nigerian military’s reported human rights abuses.Last updated 7/31/2018Iran Deal Breach April 2019This case is set in January 2017. Iran’s nuclear program, alongside its broader threats to security in the Middle East, has long troubled the United States and its allies. In 2015, the United States, Iran, and five other countries reached a landmark agreement that offers Iran relief from international sanctions in exchange for vigorous inspections and restraints on its nuclear program. Israel has now accused Iran of violating the accord by operating a clandestine nuclear enrichment facility, prompting a diplomatic stalemate over access to the disputed site. National Security Council (NSC) members need to advise the president on how best to respond.Last updated 3/19/2018Cyber Clash With China May 2019Cyberspace is a new domain of conflict that has few accepted standards of behavior. In recent years, China has exerted authority over areas of the South China Sea also claimed by other Asian countries, leading to tension with the United States. A few days ago, following several incidents in both cyberspace and the South China Sea itself, the Nasdaq stock market was hacked, which significantly harmed the U.S. economy. U.S. intelligence agencies believe some in the Chinese government knew about the attack, for which a Chinese hacker collective claimed credit. National Security Council members need to advise the president on the merits of a cyber response, economic sanctions, or military measures.Last updated 2/26/2018North Korean Nuclear Threat May 2019Following a North Korean satellite launch and other developments, the director of national intelligence has informed the president that North Korea is now capable of firing a nuclear-armed missile against the United States. The president has called an NSC meeting to discuss how to respond to North Korea’s enhanced capabilities.Last updated 8/27/2018The Korean War [Historical Case] June 2019It is late summer 1950, and the United States is at war on the Korean Peninsula. Just a few months earlier, the Soviet-backed Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) invaded the U.S.-supported Republic of Korea (South Korea), making significant territorial gains and pushing U.S.-led UN forces to the southern tip of the peninsula. Plans are in place for a landing near the border with North Korea, which, if successful, will swiftly liberate South Korea. President Harry Truman is now faced with a fundamental question: should U.S. forces simply restore the status prior to the war, pushing North Korea’s military back beyond its own border, or should the United States push on and try to unify the peninsula under a single, democratic government?Last updated 8/8/2018NATO Enlargement [Historical Case]It is January 1994, and the world is dealing with the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States’ main adversary. The country has disintegrated into several independent states, many of them dealing with political turmoil and economic challenges. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), a military alliance formed to defend Western European allies from the Soviet Union, is at a crossroads. Members of the NSC must decide whether NATO should survive, and if so, how its purpose and activities should evolve in this new era. Should NATO retreat into the woodwork, given the Soviet threat is no longer relevant? Or should the alliance expand its membership to include former Soviet countries, setting off a new era of European security?Last updated 8/29/2018 |
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