Education Beyond Borders

Here I will attempt to chronicle the adventures as I take two groups of Canadian educators and try to organize our lives for two months. One group to South Africa to share their expertise and experiences through best practices workshops in ICT integration with their peers in rural townships. And the other group to share their expertise and experiences through best practices workshops with their peers in rural Kenya in the latest teaching and assessment models with a focus on English, math and science at the primary and secondary levels.

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Comment by Angule Gabriel on November 7, 2010 at 22:44

I wish to be considered for participation in your future workshops in Kenya..

I am a Kenyan High school teacher who has been teaching since 1988. I am also an ICT promoter and the country representative of our organisation iEARN Kenya (International Education and Resource Nest-Kenya) which is a consortium of iEARN International.

iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) is the world's largest non-profit global network that enables teachers and youth to use the Internet and other technologies to collaborate on projects that enhance learning and make a difference in the world. (

iEARN network supports over 30,000 teachers and 2 million youth in more than 130 countries to collaborate through a global online network in projects designed to make a difference in the world.

iEARN Started in USA and since 1988, it has pioneered the use of interactive technologies to enable youth and adult educators to engage in meaningful educational projects--with peers around the corner and throughout the world.

iEARN is:
• a safe and structured environment in which youth can communicate

• a community of teachers and learners

• a known audience for writing and reading with a purpose

• an opportunity to apply knowledge in service-learning projects

• an inclusive and culturally diverse community

After joining, teachers, youth and students enter an active online Collaboration Centre ( to meet other participants and get involved in ongoing projects, initiated by their peers throughout the world.

In addition to meeting a specific curriculum or subject area of need, every project proposed in iEARN has to answer the question, 'how will this project improve the quality of life on the planet?' That purpose is the glue that holds iEARN together.

Through participation in iEARN projects, students develop the habit of working collaboratively with their counterparts locally and globally, and come to understand the positive role they can play in their communities and the world. Working on the vision of connecting youth and making a difference in the world;

iEARN Goals include:

• To facilitate communication and develop partnerships between educators and youth locally, regionally and globally.

• To use communication technology in education to improve the health and welfare of the planet and its people.

• To improve student skills and quality of education.

• To establish institutional links among all partners of education.

• To support e-learning and professional development.

• To promote intercultural dialogue.

• To share models for how educational telecommunications can be used to affect positive social, political and economic change, and address unmet human and environmental needs.

• To share successful classroom project examples that make a meaningful difference, and ideas/models of curriculum/classroom learning enhancement.

• To demonstrate and provide hands-on experiences in leading technology.

• To encourage cross-cultural understanding through the use of different languages in project work, making a place for voices which are not usually heard, and exploring other ways of breaking down barriers.

• To enlarge the iEARN community to expand its global community of educators and youth leaders using telecommunications.

The course offered in your institution will equip me with the relevant skills to ehance my service to the organisation and community.

Warm regards

Angule Gabriel
iEARN Kenya Representative
Comment by Boukary KONATE on February 22, 2009 at 13:46
I think it's a very important thing because it will permit to teachers, students and all the people in these countries to get more other kowledge and share theirs with the arrival teachers.
So I encourage you in that case and hope it would pass here one day.


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