Education Beyond Borders

The images from Haiti have been haunting me especially those of the children. I didn't realize the large number of children who were orphaned prior to the earthquake. No doubt these numbers will multiple in the aftermath of the earthquake. I fear what will happen after the initial shock and relief wears thin. I have a desire to provide at least a small group of children with some joy in the chaos and trauma. I am thinking I might visit Haiti orphanages this summer to offer a type of summer camp. I am posting this here to seen if there is any interest from this community.

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Comment by Vitalem Alriche on March 16, 2010 at 0:07
Hello Deb,

I will be travelling to Haiti independently. In the past, I have worked with a dynamic performing arts staff, some of whom come from the United States, Canada, and France. Being a native of Haiti, I do not have travelling restrictions. On a personal note, I would add that my foreign colleagues have been safe in Jacmel.
Comment by Deb Russell on March 15, 2010 at 20:45
Hi Jackie,
I am very interested in investing some of my summer to Haiti if possible in some capcity. My principal is connected with an orphanage that was pretty much devestated, but getting permissions to travel to help out there has been trickier than I imagined.
I would like more information on the group you are organizing. I think my husband would be more comfortable, safety wise, if I was travelling under an umbrella of a well known organization. Lookiing forward to hearing from you.
Comment by Vitalem Alriche on March 7, 2010 at 14:45

I am tentatively scheduled to be in Haiti for most of my summer vacation. Specifically, I am involved in a music program in Jacmel, some two hours south east of Port-au-Prince. If it is at all possible, I would like to connect with you during my time over there.

Comment by Jackie Gerstein on February 25, 2010 at 12:26
I have made some initial plans - there is some fund raising going on at Boise State. My next step is to contact Save the Children as they are engaged in some school efforts there. My spring plans are to continue flushing this out. Do any of you have other ideas.
Comment by Caitlyn Bartlett on February 1, 2010 at 22:50
I am also very interested in joining you this summer. Let me know if you work out any details, I would love the experience!
Comment by Sharon Lavin on January 17, 2010 at 14:57
My heart goes out to all those affected by the earthquake. Haiti has been in a constant struggle for a very long time and I have always been interested in seeing the positivity that comes from this country during these times. I feel that your proposed summer camp this summer is a grand idea. Sharing a little bit of love and giving some hope to a few children would be a constructive way in beginning the re-building process.

I am extremely interested in this summer camp, and look forward to hearing more about it. I would also like to extend my full capacity to help.

Thank you


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