Education Beyond Borders

ICT in our society is becoming a big concern as all areas requires one to have the ICT skills, especially the teachers who are in public and private schools.
When will we be able to access the Internet on our own?. As individuals we need to accept on the changes around us, then we take the initiative of training on how to access the Internet. Nowadays Internet can be easily be accessed even by use of our phones or even visiting Internet cyber cafes.
The I.C.T training can take long if people don’t appreciate its use, but once people appreciate it this cannot take long.
In Kenya we have a lot of people who are ready to offer the training only that may be due to inadequate information that may we are not able to get them. Like I can be available during school holidays.

Refurbished computers are used in Africa due to lack of enough fund to purchase new ones. African we are not determined that we can be able to purchase the new computers. The neocolonialism is also affecting African countries. The developed countries take the advantage to sell their used computers to the developing countries especially African countries (Ready market for the refurbished computers).

The first thing to do is to have computers in all our schools and then have a better chance of training the teachers to enable them train well in their area of specialization.
It does not take long to know how to use a computer as it may take three months depending on one’s capability.
Depending on each country governance, the heads of our schools with the support of the related Ministries, whether public or private should put more effort to make sure that computers are available to every school.
Africa as a whole should wake up so as not to be left behind on the ICT issues

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Comment by Noble Kelly on September 5, 2009 at 14:55
Glad to hear you are willing to help with the workshops, Daniel. We will be looking for Kenyan ICT teachers to be part of the facilitation teams next year. By some of your comments, I think you might be interested in reading: "The Challenge for Africa" by Wangari Maathai.


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