Education Beyond Borders

Today is the our last day of teacher workshops before we spend two and a half days visiting schools.  In the last seven days we've had 38 teachers from 11 schools in Leguruki Ward attend workshops. Some of the teachers are people we've gotten to know better than others for many reasons. John from Nkoasenga Secondary School has a certain presence in whatever group he participates in and is a natural leader. Soori from Miririni Primary School is the jokester of the group who enjoys himself during the workshops and entertains at chai and chakula breaks. Daudi from Sinai Primary has helped John complete a map of Leguruki and Ngarenynuki wards. Daudi has a wide range of knowledge of the area and then there is Bundu from Etingare Primary School with his Oakville hockey toque.

It's been interesting watching the teachers from the eleven schools get to know each other through learning activities such as carousels, placement activities, think pair shares, icebreakers and sharing thoughts along with new learnings. The teachers have very few opportunities to meet and work together so these type of activities allow them to come together as teachers.

One of Education Beyond Borders's goals is to foster a professional learning cluster (PLC) to strengthen the professional develop of the local teachers. As the PLC develops capacity of the ward to develop and facilitate their professional development will grow. Edward, a teacher from Miririni Secondary School, has been named cluster coordinator. His role will be to strengthen the teachers' own learning through regular contact and meetings in the ward. Mr. Urio, the ward education officers, is a huge supporter of Education Beyond Borders and he will continue to work with school heads to promote the goals of EBB in the area's schools. Together, Mr. Urio and Edward plan to develop the PLC in Leguruki Ward and the capacity to support professional development opportunities. 

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