Education Beyond Borders

Looking for schools/teachers/students

Hey Noble,


It has been a long time.  I love the updates.  In 2011/12, Sisler will be launching a new DIGITAL VOICES class.  This is a unique 2 credit block Digital Media course designed for students interested in Indigenous Education.  The focus of this course is to provide students with the opportunity to embrace, document, depict, digitalize all of our cultures (the Seven Sacred Teachings, stories, rituals, artifacts, etc.) while experimenting with digital media. Digital Voices incorporates a variety of materials, techniques, tools, technologies, and skills from various arts disciplines including dance, drama, music, and visual arts.  The technologies/processes used and adapted to create digital media art may be traditional, including, but not limited to, photography, film, sound, animation, and video. The  technologies and processes may also be digital: computer software, blogging,  networking, game development, digital imaging, digital sound recording,  2D and 3D animation, multimedia production, and web-page design.


Here is a link to the site:  Digital Voices Course


I was wondering if you, or any other teacher would be willing to participate in the course via video conference, story telling, relfection on culture, e-collaboration, etc?  I hope you are interested.

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