Education Beyond Borders

Obama's Speech:Let Children Get The Inspiration

What the heck of this was 'to allow /not to air the “Obamaspeech” to schools about? Denial of basic freedoms like those of listening and participation only plays reverse psychology. Someone needed schooling about this.
Some food for thought, I must have read somewhere that rules are not valid because the senate passed them, or because heroes played by them, or because God pronounced them through Moses or Mohammed; they are valid only if and when players freely play by them. There are no rules that require us to obey rules. If there were, there would have to be a rule for those rules, and so on. Everyone wins something in an infinite game. There are no losers! But some people win more than others. For those who doubt this, look out for the checkmate.

With all that technology and those forms of media plus word of mouth, this is something you can’t stop, just by making rules about it! We in Africa envy Americans and did not waste time trying to stop the Obamaspeech getting to our schools when we could, via television (for those schools that have them), or even our homes (for the fortunate ones).Now if you think this can only happen in school ,you are deluded.

The philosopher Hegel, once postulated that,” truth is found neither in the thesis nor the antithesis, but in the emergent synthesis which reconciles the two”. Dante also once observed that" the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral debate maintain their neutrality "A few premises here; Obama has children, doesn’t he? He is a great father isn’t he? A wonderful family man, with his fair share of shortcomings (ask Michelle).He is affectionate (His PDA's show).What we didn’t know was what he was going to tell the school kids! We know he told Americans "yes we can" and they did it.But why should that have worried some parents and schools stiff anyway?

You don’t have to begrudge Obama for running away with it. You gain nothing but scorn by taking it to him. Children are neither republicans nor democrats. They need inspiration to stay in school, and stay meaningfully in school by using their time well. . For the kids like Brandon Corts who got opportunity to ask the president some questions, there is never many a chance like that on earth to be inspired!

I am in Africa, Kenya for that matter and have been watching with keen interest saga unfolding around the Obamaspeech cannot but help feeling that the united states is undergoing an active Second Red Scare McCarthyism of intense proportions .America is experiencing a widespread social and cultural upheaval affecting all levels of its society (schools included)resulting in a great deal of debate and conflict .just like Herbert Block (aka Herblock)I "will also throw in a set of free dishes and a case of soap"!

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