Education Beyond Borders

The Big Question International Debate Tournament Jan. 22, 2019

Resolved: Humans are primarily driven by self-interest.
World Affairs Council of Austin
Jan. 22, 2019
Let The Debates Begin- Major Changes
You Only Have To Do One Side- Affirmative
You Will Use The Negative Case Below- As The Case You Are Going Against
You will video and send your tape to Michael Cunningham
All entries will be judged
All entries will be posted
Come Let Us Make This A Truly Global Debate
It Is In Our Best Interests


  1. You only have to prepare the Affirmative Case
  2. You will make and video four different speeches and answer two sets of questions
  3. All people will be judged against each other-who did the best job in their assignment
  4. You will have two people on your team
  5. Each speaker will do two speeches and each will answer one set of questions
  6. Each School will register their teams on this website
  7. You will video the debate and send it to Michael Cunningham- send it via Google Drive or Whatsup App  or 11 512-557-2758
  8. We will publish all of the debates on the website and have jury of experts to pick out the best ones.
  9. Each of the top three teams will win a trophy
  10. All debaters who participate will obtain a certificate
  11. All Schools who register will receive a certificate

Big Question Negative Case For This Debate

The Big Question- Del Valle High School

Humans are primarily driven by self


Saba High School First Speech 

Definitely people are different from each other and it is
because of their nature and interests. All of us know that
living in this world is not easy. We have three kinds of
situations that people can face them.
The first one is a condition that people are going to do
some thing that is really their love and favorite.
For example there is a woman who really enjoys
teaching and dealing with untolerable students. Although
it is completely unbelievable for us, but she is mad with
The second condition is the situation which some one
lives to do something but maybe we fear or not being
able to do it, so we will not enjoy it.
For example a person who likes to jump from high
platform or something like that but he fears. It is
completely complicated and psychologists prefer and
suggest that these people should see their loves and
never try to do it. Like a boy who fears of experiencing
speed but loves to watch car racing.

And the third one is the most complicated from the
others. In some situations we have to do imposed duties
or obey some rules and if we do not, we have to pay the
imposed fine too.
As we told, sometime happens that we have to choose a
way of life in different fields like study courses or what to
wear or what to buy or maybe our job that are not really
our favorites.
The psychologists believe that these people in these
situations try to come to terms with them and enjoy it
but more than 50 percent of them are not as happy as
they can and as thy really deserve. In many times they
think about their interests or their habits which used to
For example one of my friends had to study medicine
because of her family and their force but she really loves
to be a famous pianist. In every free time that she has,
she plays piano and to be honest, she is extraordinary in
it. Now she is a really good surgeon and works in one of
the best hospitals in Tehran but when you talk to her, she
will say every details which has happened recently in the
world of music and her eye really shine when she speaks.

You see, her self interest has directed her to the way
that she can enjoy this beautiful earth.
If I want to be honest, there are many cases that we are
not imposed to choose exactly one of them, but why we
have much desired to do one of them?
For example your mom asks you: what do you like to
order from restaurant tonight?
If I want to answer, I will undoubtedly answer pizza. But
I love both of them and the chef cooks both of them
perfectly but it is obvious that my self interest and desire
is controlling me. The interesting part is that if I order
pasta, against my will, at the time of eating pasta I will
think of pizza and the joy that I have lost.
Our self interests are controlling, directing and
predominating us.
So let it happen. Although sometimes the unpredictable
life will be really difficult but try to enjoy it because it will
not repeat for you in the future again.

TFS High School, Toronto, Canada

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