Education Beyond Borders


Today is the beginning of my 2011 journey back to Kenya. I am sitting in the Toronto airport waiting for my flight to London, England. It's the start of two days of traveling and thinking about my family at home but also my friends in Kenya.

This year I am also fortunate to be working with EBB in Tanzania. A small group of EBB volunteers will be visiting Aursha, Tanzania to introduce teachers to EBB and our workshops. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet new teachers and share our ideas about teaching. I am thrilled to be embarking on a new adventure and look forward to seeing a new part of East Africa.

The last few months have been a busy time for myself and my EBB colleagues. We've had numerous skype calls and flash meetings. We've also learned to work collaboratively using google docs and this was often during a skype call. It is quite funny to see dueling cursers and writers working on the same document. Many documents have been created, edited then edited some more before we were happy with the results. These documents are still be works in progress as we make changes as we use them or receive input from our African colleagues. 

I have also copied numerous teacher resources to bring with me that I feel will be useful for workshops. The resources will hopefully support and spark interest in new teaching methodologies. My bags are heavy and cumbersome so I hope the results are worthwhile.

I'll be updating the blog as internet access and power allow. Wish me luck on this new adventure! 


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