Education Beyond Borders

This year’s Trainer Workshops focused on the topic of sustainability for Education Beyond Borders Kenya. We facilitated many discussions on how Education Beyond Borders Kenya would be moving forward in upcoming years. From the discussions came the idea of introducing new workshop topics that would be of interest for local trainers, facilitators and teachers. With that in mind we asked trainers to brainstorm possible workshop topics during a carousel session on EBB sustainability. The topic ideas were:

Guidance and Counselling

Disaster Management

Conflict Resolution and Peace

Health Education

ICT Integration in Learning

HIV/AIDS – Sex Education

Stress Management

Experiential Learning

Drug & Substance Abuse

Leadership and Management

Safety in the Learning Institution

Training Young Leaders

Training Teachers for Special Needs

Financial Management

Teacher Social Welfare

Scouting Movement in Schools


The Gilgil/Navisha and LakipiaTrainers were divided into five groups to work through the process of workshop design. Once the workshop topics were chosen the groups needed to choose two to three workshop outcomes that would guide the design and content of the seminar. The groups used a framework of opening, body and closing of the workshop basing it on a two to two and half hour time frame. Workshops were designed using collaborative learning methods such as jigsaw, carousel, placemat and think pair shares. The evaluation of the workshops was also considered as well as determining participants’ background knowledge a t the beginning of the session. As the groups worked through the design process, they were able to determine materials they would need and what type of research would be needed to design a handout to meet their participants’ needs for information on the workshop topic.

The five topics worked on this year were: Peace and Conflict Resolution, ICT Integration and Learning, HIV/AIDS & Sex Education, Safety in the Learning Institution and Training Young Leaders. The workshop plans will be shared with all Trainers to be used in upcoming facilitator and teacher training. The plans will be fine-tuned over the next year and hand-outs created. The remaining workshop topics will be researched for resource material that will assist Trainers in designing new workshops at the 2015 Trainers’ Seminar. 

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