Education Beyond Borders

What Teachers Can Do Today to Make Classrooms More Conductive to Learning

When it comes to your children’s learning, you want them to have the opportunity to learn as much as possible. Part of ensuring children learn appropriately is having teachers who focus on creating a conductive learning environment for their students. Here are four different ways that a teacher can alter their classroom to make it a more conductive learning environment for their students.

Greet Your Students Everyday

One of the best ways to foster an environment for conductive learning is to take the time to greet each student when they come into your classroom. When you greet them by name and a simple handshake or fist pump, it helps to ensure they get positive human contact throughout the day. It also allows you to create a clean slate with students who may have been a problem the day before. This simple practice can set your kids up for a positive learning environment every day.

Make Sitting Comfortable

The school furniture that you have in your classroom can make a huge difference in how active your students are to learn. You’ll notice that when you opt for more comfortable seating, it allows for your students to be in a position where they’re relaxed and ready to learn. Opting for tables over individual desks can help to promote group activities and assisted learning.

Take An Interest in Each Student

We all tend to like people who take an interest in us on an individual level. We don’t like being just another person in the group. Take some time to get to know all of your students. Whether it’s understanding their sports interests or their hobbies, you can work to foster a relationship that allows for comfort so each student knows that you care about their personal success in your classroom.

Show Yourself As Three-Dimensional

One very tricky aspect of getting children to accept and learn from you is getting them to feel comfortable around you. You don’t just want to be another teacher that is two-dimensional spewing out information that students really aren’t engaged in. Rather, paint yourself as a three-dimensional person. You don’t need to share everything about your personal life, but you should be letting students see you as a real person and not just an authority figure.

Being a teacher can be a rewarding career that allows you to see the difference you can make in the lives of your students. We’re sure that you want to share as much knowledge as possible with your students to prepare them for the real world. By utilizing the four tips above, you can make your classroom a more conductive environment for learning.

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