student centred learning, inquiry based learning, ICT, movie-making, podcasting, web design, eLearning course development and teacher training.
- ICT Specialist ceritifcation - computers in the curriculum
- Teacher Librarian - information, inquiry and research
- Special Edication Specialist - learning support
Grade level(s) taught
grades 1 to 3, grades 4 to 6, grade 7, adult education
Present status
Certified/Licensed Educator
Language(s) you can instruct in
Number of years teaching experience
Skills & Interests
I have taught teacher development in ICT for k-12 education, planned and offered community computer classes for local computer clubs, coached school web teams, taught movie making at the local community college, ...and am an accomplished woodworker.
I currently work for KnowledgeOntario, growing the skill set for the digital citizen.
If you have done work internationally, where and in what capacity?
As an international student, I have attended schools in several European countries. As a board member of Iona College, University of Windsor I was host to an exchange student from China (through WUSC).
If you are willing to volunteer, in what area(s):
digital media, internships, technology support, workshop facilitation
How did you hear about us and a few words why you want to join EBB:
Alison Stuart and Sharon Peter shared on Educators Without Borders in an online session of Ontario Educators Meetup - an online learning chat forum.
I am known for my community outreach activities, my school/board involvement and my provincial involvement.. this intrigues me as another growth venue.
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