Peace and Global Education
Teacher Librarian
k-12 experience
Social Studies and Language Arts
Some Indonesian spoken
Grade level(s) taught
grades 1 to 3, grades 4 to 6, grade 7, grade 8, grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12
Present status
Certified/Licensed Educator
Language(s) you can instruct in
Number of years teaching experience
Skills & Interests
Changing the World! baby steps
Technology Use
If you have done work internationally, where and in what capacity?
I travel to Bali once a year and do some volunteer work there. I have worked with the Helen Flavel Foundation and YKIP. Will live in Indonesia eventually and would like to set up my own charitable organization / international school there.
If you are willing to volunteer, in what area(s):
curriculum development, digital media, evaluation measurements, grant research/writing, internships, membership outreach, mentor teaching, TWB on Campus, workshop facilitation
How did you hear about us and a few words why you want to join EBB:
I recently won a prize for my charity work and gave the money to Teachers Without Borders USA without knowing there was a Canadian chapter. I love the work they are doing and would like to get more involvedd especially in Canadian projects.
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