Basic Education, Early Literacy, Curriculum and Instruction, Sustainable International Development within Education, Multicultural Education, Music Education, Anti-Racist Education, Human Values Education (Educare)
Grade level(s) taught
pre grade 1, grades 1 to 3, grades 4 to 6, grade 7, adult education
Present status
Certified/Licensed Educator
Language(s) you can instruct in
English, Spanish
Number of years teaching experience
Skills & Interests
I recently completed my MEd in Curriculum and Instruction where I looked at how to create and maintain sustainable education programs that are culturally relevant to the needs of each unique community. I also am involved in teacher training, while I teach elementary school.
If you have done work internationally, where and in what capacity?
- CIDA Internship in Piura, Peru with PROMEB (Proyecto de Mejorimiento de Educacion Basica) as an ECE Educator: I worked in rural areas with mothers and their babies in early childhood stimulation, health, sanitation, and education. I also helped run afterschool play centres for chidren, developed lesson plans and classroom strategies with rural teachers, and worked with community members to ensure the long term sustainability of the program.
- Diploma in Human Values Education in Thailand, taught Thai children during the program
- International conferences in India on Youth involvement in the community, education, and Human Values education
-Intern for Parliamentarians for Global Action - New York: worked as an assistant to develop conferences on the Ratification of the International Criminal Court
Hi Rishima, it's Nicole from TACT, how the heck are you? Where are you teaching? I am in North Vancouver, teaching grade 4/5. hope things are well, peace
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