25+ years in educational technology. I've developed educational software and learning and teaching materials used around the world and culturalized in more than 15 languages. These materials were mainly focused on the Logo language, which was developed originally at MIT and designed for learning, but I've also developed products for various curriculum areas. I've also run PD workshops, spoken at a variety of ed conferences, incl. NECC and NCTM regional conferences. Am now Ex. Dir of the Anytime Anywhere Learning Foundation, an education foundation focused on laptop learning and the unlimited learning opportunities and democratization of knowledge that technology enables when readily available to all children.
Grade level(s) taught
Present status
Language(s) you can instruct in
Number of years teaching experience
Skills & Interests
I am completely comfortable with anything related to ed tech - if I don't know it, I learn it quickly. I've also project-based learning/teaching materials in various areas including robotics software and learning materials for students (and teachers) for over 20 years. I like working with learners of all ages.
If you have done work internationally, where and in what capacity?
At Logo Computer Systems Inc, we developed materials for many different countries and so were very sensitive to cultural differences. I've visited schools using our materials in Latin America and Europe. I also lived in Israel for three years, both studying and working on a kibbutz in the children's houses.
If you are willing to volunteer, in what area(s):
curriculum development, digital media, mentor teaching, organisational partnerships, workshop facilitation
How did you hear about us and a few words why you want to join EBB:
from Sharon Peters
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